Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Letter to a fantasy

The first line of Iris, "I'd give up forever to touch you" for some reason has always made me feel that soulful lonliness I carry around with the rest of the things that haunt me on occasion.
I never really thought about why it made me "feel" before. Till tonight.

At some point in my life somewhere along the line I fell in love with a fantasy of how I percieved something. We all have that one thing that we glorify in our own heads just to hang onto something that will always be just out of our reach, maybe its a place, maybe its something you always dreamed of that you have turned into something its not, maybe its a person you know you made into someone who really doesnt exist.

For the most part, this little fantasy we have usually is just a daydream or a passing fancy we think of while trying to fall asleep or driving in our cars, not at the same time mind you. Maybe a thought while standing in the night looking up at the stars. Thats where I do my best day dreaming. My sweetest thoughts have come while looking at the stars, but I have also stood below them and cried till I thought my chest would crack open from the pain. Fantasies dont all have to be happy thoughts.
Some of my most elaborate fantasies have been heart wrenching.

Now I dont want to confuse dreams with fantasies, these are two different things for me. Dreams are things we can achieve and things to strive for. Fantasies are just that, fantasies.
Thats when I realized the line "Id give up forever to touch you" had been part of a fantasy I had.

I took a fantasy I had and threw a huge pail of cold reality on it this week. Reality can really do away with the fantasies, sometimes its a bad thing we all need to fantasize in some way shape or form, but sometimes it a good thing. Because sometimes reality is so much sweeter and perfect then our fantasy. You need to open your eyes to be able to see that.

My conclusion on this line of Iris is this...............

Regarding you my haunting fantasy, I would not give up forever to touch you. Nor do I want you to know who I am.

My reality is so much more sweet.


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