Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Dancing Naked Outside The Box

Life, its weird sometimes, just when you think you have all of your brain cells, emotions, heart, soul, and whatever else you can think of in complete balance something comes along and hits you in the back of the head like the Italian grandmother, and says "Hey wake up" your not paying attention!
So I say, "Hey I am paying attention I was just enjoying the rewards of what I have sowed for so long".
And the imaginary Italian grandmother says "Heyyyy what makes you so smart you think you are done learning lifes lessons"? "You think complacency is going to get you anywhere?" "Wake up pay attention you dont know everything" And I think "yet".
So life has other plans
Is life a series of lessons and conquests? Conquests meaning, you need to conquer your moments, your fears, and diversities. I am really thinking that.
Its become so apparent in my life I have to wonder what is it Im getting ready for. What is it that I have come so far and learned so much for. Because I cant believe we all go through this awesome ride only to stop breathing one day and its over.
The profound events in my life make me marvel each day. Some people slug through life and get by happy with the mundane existence of never stepping outside of their box. I guess Im one who likes to dance around the box naked, so when I try and climb in and sit down, the box spits me back out and says, we dont want your kind here, you will upset the balance of mundane, so go dance your dance and only when you have taken your last breath will you understand what each dance step meant.
So I was thrown back out of the box this week. Im dancing naked again. Exposing myself in my words again.
Life is such a wonderful muse.


Blogger Unknown said...

Damn! Blogger ate my comment! Did you happen to get it via e-mail?

Glad you're back. Good to see that you're still kicking and dreaming.

6:31 AM  

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