Monday, April 10, 2006


Swirling in a sea of oblivion

One more pill to kill the pain

Standing at the edge of no return

Her teardrops fall like rain

The time has slipped by

No one noticed

The passion die a little each day

When did this happen

This complacency of just going on our way

A simple nod a grunt of hello

A peck on the cheek

The fire has burned so low

Habit has formed in three little words

I love you

Words spoken only from the edge of our lips

I feel your dark

I understand this trip

Helpless am I to stop your pain

My strength is sapped from years of strain

Ive been through this before

I have nothing to say

I cannot give I cannot pay

Standing outside of yourself looking in

You only see you, your obsession, your sin

There is no room for me in a life full of pain

My tear drops will no longer fall like rain.

Honor and devotion

will keep me locked in this cage

I will stand by you

Till our last days

Fanning a fire that dims with the days

Pushing and prodding to look up from your pain

Ill never give up on you my friend

Because I know you would stand by me till the end


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