Sunday, January 08, 2006

Walking the line

Walking the line
After reading a blog this morning I made a small realization. There is a fine line that is drawn between creativity and insanity. Im sure many of you already know this and live with it daily.
I saw someone refer to themself as a phsycopath and could clearly see she was just an incredibly intellegent women with an amazing creative ability who was just having a bad time of it. Peering over the edge of the line and looking around.
Thats what we do isnt it? Most days we walk beside the line knowing it there, ignoring it, if we pretend its not there it will not be right?
Then there are the days we jump up on that line with a dramatic fashion and threaten to jump. We dare our sane side to screw with us anymore and let us be and create like we want to.
Then there are the days we teeter unmercifully too far gone to make a decision on which side to be so we wobble and weave and finally reality crashes back in on us and we fall back into life.
Then there are the very few, very obsolete days or nights we finally say fuck it all and back up 50 feet and take a running dive straight over to the other side.
Funny thing though, we unknowingly managed to tie a rope to the other side and find our way back when we are done.
So does this make us insane?? Or is it all in a days work for people who think with the left side of their brain.
I wonder if we took all people who have been hospitalized for unexplained mental illness and gave them a creative outlet, what would happen to them, would they find relief in their pain and suffering and finally feel like they have been free'd. Im not talking about the ones with clear obvious problems, and I dont want to get into diagnosis.
I think anyone who creates will delve into every part of their phyce and test the waters of every aspect of themselves. Its a given, creative people are curious, brave, world travelers of themselves and there own phyche. I think right brain thinkers lack the balls or ambition or reasons to do it.
Am I wrong? Or am I crazy LOL.


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