Saturday, January 07, 2006

5000 pieces ages 8 and up

5000 pieces ages 8 and up
Life reminds me one of those really big puzzles. The kind that the pieces are really small and you have to reach a certain age to be able to figure it out. You try putting some pieces in places they dont belong, you keep trying with similar pieces and they dont fit, then finally you find the piece that fits, and you move onto another piece forgetting about the piece before. You can forget it, you put it together already and there is no need to dwell on that piece anymore.
Occasionally you drop a piece, look for it for days, then you find it right in plain sight under your table. Wondering why you missed it so many times, you had looked there already. Maybe you werent ready for that piece yet.
The outside pieces are the easiest, its the inside that will give you the most grief. Just like a person, you can put on makeup and nice clothes, but you may be in pieces on the inside.
Some pieces go together so easily, your suprised when it happens and they fit so perfect you have to check a couple of times to make sure they really did fit it was that easy.
Then you get almost the whole entire puzzle together and you realize your missing a few more pieces. These pieces will haunt you for a long time. Till you finally find them. One was under a chair, one ended up behind a door, etc. You finally put the last piece in. Relief its done. WOW cool picture. You feel a sense of completeness, you feel triumphant. You show everyone who comes in to your domain what you have done.
But, there is always a but
There is a sense of loss. The puzzle is done. What is next. You are sitting, with an empty box and a complete picture in front of you.
If your smart you sit back and enjoy the picture, put some glue on it, frame it and show it off for many years to come.
If your one who bores easily you take the whole thing apart and start over again, thinking you have done it once it should be easier the second time. It never is, its always a struggle. Fighting that puzzle over and over gets mighty old mighty quick. Because you will always end up with the same picture if you do it right.
Then there are the ones who go out and buy a new puzzle, even though you already have a stack of them 4 feet high in the closet. Never happy with the original puzzle. Always striving for bigger and better. Those are the ones who like excitement and to experience new things in life never satisfied, unquenchable thirst for living on the edge.
Which puzzle person are you? Im going to find out what kind I am soon.
Im hoping for number one. Ive already been 2 and 3.


Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:52 AM  
Blogger A Farce called Life said...

I got your comment in an email but it seems to be gone from here, but my response is, Yes it is a big puzzle, I like your analogy of the last piece. Drop me a line when it happens, or I will drop you one when I fit mine. We shall have coffee and solve the worlds problems from that place we will be.

8:13 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Wow! I'm glad you got it. It took be a while to draft that comment, but after I posted it, I noticed a typo. Being anal about such things, I decided to delete the comment and correct the mistake. Unfortunately, I hadn't copied it, so all was lost. I was too frustrated to try again.

I hope your puzzle is falling into place these days. I think the cat may have eaten one of my pieces. (-;

3:31 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

As tempting as it is, I'm not going to correct that last comment.

3:33 PM  

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